Anderson Illustration Toronto, Toronto illustrator, cartoonist
Archive of political cartoons by David Anderson, International and South African back to the 1980's
5 July 2000. South African President Thabo Mbeki has some unorthodox views on AIDS.
National Post Canada 26 April 2005. Bono is critical of embattled Prime Minister Paul Martin for backing down on foreign aid promise.
Johannesburg Star 1988. National Party Apartheid Government celebrates 40 years in power.
Sunday Star Johannesburg cartoon. 1986. President Botha seeks out compliant blacks to work with. [Minister of law and order Louis le Grange to the right.]
National Post Cartoon Nov. 2000. The fight for the presidency between Al Gore and George W Bush depends on closely contended Florida vote.
Canadian Election. Paul Martin, Stephen Harper and Jack Layton sprinting to the finish line.
Images of Mandela were banned in South Africa, hence an older version of a robust young man from earlier days. de Klerk stretches out to the prisoner.
Published July 1987. Mankind endangered by overpopulation.
Castro had outlasted many US presidents almost 20 years ago. Here he is threatened by Bill Clinton in 1996.